Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Book: The Bible Code 2

The Bible Code 2
The Countdown
By Michael Drosnin
ISBN: 0-297-84249-8
(Working from the hardback version)

The Bible Code books say that a “3000 year old” computer code was embedded in the Bible when it was given to Moses by God. The truth is that it is much older than that. Like Adamic and it’s written form, Enochian, it can be interpreted in a number of ways and languages.

The Bible Code books are about warnings and the code can predict things accurately in advance. The second book, The Bible Code 2, is about a search for a key to the code. The code itself shows that the key is human and has to do with the original language, Adamic.

Referring to the English interpretations of alternative meanings in Hebrew, revealed with the aid of a computer, page 79 refers to a “seeded” “language”. Prior to the author of these notes revealing the secret of the confusion of tongues, when God told people at Babylon “babble on” and made them think there were individual words and separate languages, Adamic was a “dead language”. “Seeded language". “See dead language". The book doesn’t just talk about Adamic, it refers you to it.

For that, you will need an Adamic interpreter, or Adamic medium. That’s where the notes written by the author of this web site come in. He listens and interprets Adamic.

The last sentence of page 79 goes onto page 80 and reads, “A man will return to Lisan”. Lisan is a place near the dead sea, where the embedded code suggests the author of the book can find the key. But to understand alternative meanings in Adamic, you have to say what you see softly. Say it softly.

“A man will return to Lisan.” “A man will return to listen”. The original source code is referring to the work of the author of these notes in listening and interpreting Adamic.

Page 80 goes on to reveal more embedded alternative meanings, found in the ancient code. In Hebrew, “Bible of Lisan” also means “the laws of language,” or “linguistics”. The multidimensional code also revealed other words embedded at the same point. “Encoded” and “ancient key”.

Page 81 goes on to say: The double meanings of all the key phrases were too perfect to appear together by chance.

The very “laws of language” were encoded in the original Hebrew Bible, apparently the “Torah of Lisan,” which would at once reveal the origins of language and be the “key” to the Bible code. “Original language” was also encoded, and that in Hebrew means “Lisan is the origin”. [Listen to the origin.]

Continuing on page 81: In some way, it was all about language. It could not be by chance that the name of the peninsula, “Lisan”, in Hebrew also meant “language”. On my next trip to Israel, I showed Rips that “Bible code” was crossed in the hidden text by “dictionary, ” and that “Lisan” was encoded in the same place.

The author of these notes is working on something akin to an English language dictionary of Adamic. Adamic reveals things. It explains events in the “passed”, and possible disasters in the future, if steps are not taken to avoid them. Some of these are quite specific about the near future and these revelations are called the Adamic Revelations.

If you are interested in these things, please buy a copy of The Bible Code 2 for yourself, and show it to other people.

The Bible Code 2
The Countdown
By Michael Drosnin
ISBN: 0-297-84249-8
(Working from the hardback version)

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