Sunday, 1 February 2009

More than one claiming to be the messiah

Why would there be more than one person claiming they are the messiah?

This is largely a practical measure. Close Protection Officers (body guards) sometimes use doubles, often in identical vehicles, to confuse would-be attackers about which target to attack.

Although Jesus very clearly goaded people in power to enact the prophecies about cruel treatment towards him, one of the reasons for more than one person claiming to be the Messiah is that it would be very hard to kill the right one this time round. Simple.

In fact, there's evidence of a very deliberate plan to create this kind of confusion in one book.

However, as you’ll see later on, a mystery named in the Biblical book of Romans is also relevant to everything and everyone, and that will be cleared up here and soon. Romans 8: 19 ‘The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God [plural] to be revealed.’ This is revealed in the plan for peace, and it’s remarkably simple.