Friday, 26 June 2009

Proof that the prophecies aren’t necessarily fixed

Some people believe that prophecies are fixed, but it’s easy to see that they aren’t.

Firstly, let’s look at the belief that what you personally do is fixed. This comes from a correct belief that God knows what you will do. God openly said that he tests people. He also gave you free will. If your actions were fixed, you couldn’t have been given free will to make decisions. Clearly, to have free will, you had to have choices. Quite simply, God knows what you will do, because he knows what choices he gave you.

Now we’ll have a look at how God gave you your choices, as we find out that prophecies aren’t necessarily fixed. Messages found in a statistically impossible code embedded in the original Bible (most commonly known as The Bible Code) reveal something very relevant indeed.

The book, The Bible Code 2, shows something remarkably similar to a set of possibilities for a computer simulation, giving you a very modern analogy. (If you’re a fan of the film, The Matrix, you’ll love the books that first revealed them.)

Written in Hebrew, but showing things when other languages are used too, one of the things revealed is that it’s possible to look events up in what is currently the future. It’s been done successfully. More importantly, it’s possible to avert some life threatening disasters, and to minimise the effects of others, to preserve life. This is plainly stated on page 51 of the hardback version of The Bible Code 2, where the last sentence of chapter 2 says:

“For you and for your children after you, in order that you will prolong your days on Earth.” That clearly shows that, in addition to the prophecies you already know about, it’s possible to avert and prepare for disasters, in order to prolong life, and try and get things right.

Quite clearly, this information would not have been made available now if it wasn’t to be used, and it’s used by some people who work in the area of Emergency Planning.

It’s clear that prophecies aren’t all fixed, and at the very least, some of those that are can be delayed, or their effects reduced. That is to say, we don’t have to get things wrong. We can change and get things right. But we all need to act quickly, making personal choices that minimise any further harm, so that companies will switch from harmful products to supplying products that are much less damaging.

Obviously companies do respond when people want less damaging products, because there are plenty of them. All you’ve got to do, is make the right personal choices, for yourself, your children, and your children’s children, and teach them to do the same.

To really appreciate the urgency of this, you need to look at the DVDs recommended here, because they show you that things are going wrong far more quickly than you thought. They are produced by credible people, such as Al Gore, and also show that once things have gone too far, extreme and life threatening weather conditions that wreck people’s homes, businesses and lives will suddenly become normal. This is why you need to act NOW.

You can find more information on the Bible Code here, try some basic Bible Code software in English here and you can order the book referred to very cheaply now, below.

The books are quite short and aren’t complicated, and it’ll be easier if you begin by reading the first one first.

The Bible Code
By Michael Drosnin

The Bible Code 2
The Countdown
By Michael Drosnin
ISBN: 0-297-84249-8
(Working from the hardback version)

Hardback version

Paperback version