The Drama of the Lost Disciples
By George F. Jowet
This book shows what happened to Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the disciples after the Crucifixion.
It shows how and why they were sheltered in Britain, and shows that groups such as the Druids and Saxons had deliberately regrouped on the British Isles, because they shared the same prophecies.
As such, it will also be of interest to people who do not share a belief system like Christianity or Islam.
If you are British, or have British heritage, you will find it interesting anyway.
It contains a lot of information on legendary figures in Britain, France, Rome and other places, so it's a pretty good history book.
If you're Jewish, it explains why the word British is a Hebrew word.
There is specific information in this book that will be referred to later.
The owner of this website appologises to anyone who attempted to order via Amazon if they had a bad experience of the service and has removed all direct links via Amazon to prevent it happening to anyone else.
By George F. Jowet
This book shows what happened to Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the disciples after the Crucifixion.
It shows how and why they were sheltered in Britain, and shows that groups such as the Druids and Saxons had deliberately regrouped on the British Isles, because they shared the same prophecies.
As such, it will also be of interest to people who do not share a belief system like Christianity or Islam.
If you are British, or have British heritage, you will find it interesting anyway.
It contains a lot of information on legendary figures in Britain, France, Rome and other places, so it's a pretty good history book.
If you're Jewish, it explains why the word British is a Hebrew word.
There is specific information in this book that will be referred to later.
The owner of this website appologises to anyone who attempted to order via Amazon if they had a bad experience of the service and has removed all direct links via Amazon to prevent it happening to anyone else.