Just as the events that took place as Moses was about to lead the Israelites out of Egypt are all logical, given a volcanic eruption, it's not difficult to explain a series of natural disasters some time soon.
Scientists say that soil strata show that during a fairly fixed period, the Earth goes through some kind of cycle, during which the weather conditions go crazy. What we are looking at, is a fairly predictable chain of events. Knock on effects.
The book Jesus and the Essenes isn't the only book that shows that he was part of a group with that name. The relevance here is that this book shows that they gathered and shared knowledge about a lot of things with other learned people from around the world, and that, like some other cultures, they knew about a naturally occurring event. One which could cause all of the prophecies about natural disasters.
There is a planet with an irregular orbit which makes an appearance in the Earth's solar system now and then. Some sources describe the planet as being very bright, and some think it could be a dieing sun, which I understand would have an unusually high gravitational pull. Whether or not that is the case, just as the Earth's tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon, we can safely say that another large mass passing by will have certain effects.
Earthquakes and volcanoes
One of the biblical prophecies is that the mountains will give forth their bounty, and this could be a description of volcanoes. By pulling on the tectonic plates, we would naturally see an increase in earthquakes. Some active volcanoes would most likely be activated, and new ones could be created.
One of the biblical prophecies says that as it was in the days of Noah (or knower) so shall it be when Jesus returns to bring peace, and the increase in natural disasters that we have seen recently is one of the signs that this will happen soon. So we can safely say that the prophecies about people going high into the mountains and surviving, are quite logical. It seems there will be serious flooding, which may have a logical explanation. The planet with the irregular orbit is said to have two moons orbiting it, and a trail of debris. There are billions of tonnes of ice in the universe, and this could well explain the great deluge, which is in the history of many of the world's cultures. (Giants were said to be wiped out, and their skeletons are now being unearthed. You can find pictures on the Internet.)
The gravitational pull of the moon causes tides, and it's fair to say we would see unusual tidal activity, and most likely tidal waves. Of course, earthquakes cause Tsunamis, which are large tidal waves anyway. It would affect the air flow around the world, and cause extreme weather conditions, which often result in flooding.
Some think that the planet could cause the Earth's poles to move out to the equator, which would explain tropical species being found in ice. This is often called the Habb Theory, or an Earth wobble, and would be exacerbated by the centrifugal force of the Earth's spin, which causes it to be wider around the equator. Obviously, sea levels would rapidly rise.
The difficulty with the matter of flooding is that roughly two thirds of the world's population lives in low laying areas, often along the coast and around sea ports.
Plagues and diseases
Flooding is often followed by disease. Especially major flooding. Water supplies are contaminated with a number of things, hygienic conditions are lost and rats flourish and bring other diseases. It's a knock on effect.
Plagues of locusts
Extreme weather conditions such as high winds, move plagues of locusts over large distances, where they strip new areas. Another knock on effect.
Plagues of locusts obviously have an effect here, and high winds and flooding destroy crops. However, some think that the planet with the irregular orbit is a dieing sun, and that it would scorch the Earth. There are other possible effects along those lines too. The rays of the sun protect the Earth's solar system from harmful radiation from the rest of the universe, creating something akin to a shield, which could be disrupted by the visiting planet. Within the solar system, the magnetic poles of the Earth protect it from harmful rays of the sun, again providing something akin to a barrier which could be disrupted. In fact, it's thought that the magnetic poles change now and then, and whether this is caused by the visiting planet's gravitational pull or not, it's clear that the Earth's natural defences may well go down temporarily. Either way, human testis become infertile if radiation levels rise too much.
Even without the effects of the additional planet passing by, there are reasons for the temperature of the Earth to be raised, and also reasons for a hard swing back into an ice age. Melting glaciers have revealed large deposits of carbon, which are being released into the Earth's atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, which would cause the earth to heat up. There are other things along the lines of a chain reaction as well. For example, as the temperature of the seas rise, methane, which is currently frozen on the sea beds could be released. Methane is both toxic, and a greenhouse gas.
On the other hand, it's thought by some that volcanoes could blot out the sun’s rays and cause something akin to a nuclear winter. What we are looking at is a series of natural events and reactions, resulting in chaos, which we have already witnessed in some places, and a loss of control to some degree or other by mankind.
It's easy to see how the economic system would suffer great damage, and if things become bad enough, fail altogether, resulting in a more natural way of living. Building our own houses and growing our own food is mentioned in one of the biblical prophecies.
It would be very unwise to continue to live anywhere near areas affected by natural fault lines that would cause earthquakes and volcanoes. Land away from coasts and much higher up is in less demand, and is far cheaper. If you wish to take steps, I would strongly urge you to begin now and not leave it until later. Do some research and move. The Essenes gathered and shared knowledge with other cultures, and the Mayan prophecies, some of which are coming true, place the timing at around 2012. I’m not naming any dates, but it would seem sensible to take precautions now, including learning what you can from the experiences of people in other areas where natural disasters have occurred.
Those of use who are asked to explain things to other people are often given signs, so that we can show others something tangible. A common sign for the visiting planet is a circle with an X in it. As I was thinking about the planet and getting the idea in my head that this would be soon, I saw a circle with an X in it, reflected from a square window above it. Quite how the square became a circle, I don't know, but you can click on the photograph and take a closer look for yourself.
Einstein said, “Man lives on Earth through geological consent, subject to change without notice,” but we were given notice a very long time ago, and you can now see that the warnings contain good sense. It would be foolish to ignore it and turn back to your television program or computer game.