Friday, 26 June 2009

Prophecies about destruction through global warming 1

“And the land shall be made desolate, because of the inhabitants thereof, and for the fruit of their devices.”
Micah 7:13.)

“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: ” Matthew 24:21 & 22

This is one of the posts that looks at the ways that the Earth could be destroyed by fire.

Having established that prophecies are not necessarily fixed here, we can look at what we can do about one of the biggest problems that the world faces. That of sudden overheating caused by a chain reaction, speeding the process up.

For example, rapidly thawing ice is exposing large deposits of carbon, which is released into the atmosphere of the only environment that you’ve got. This stops heat from leaving the planet and can result in a rapid warming, making the problem worse and worse, and causing severe and destructive whether conditions.

Frozen methane on sea beds, which is a chronic greenhouse gas, will suddenly be released if the temperature of the sea rises too much. So you can sea that there’s a sudden chain reaction. Some people will try and tell you that this would take ages, but the ice caps are melting far earlier and far more quickly than anyone thought they would.

The result, if this isn’t stopped, will be high winds, crop failures resulting in famines, flooding, and a lack of basic hygiene, resulting in diseases and a breakdown of society. The statistics show that there has been a sudden increase in hurricanes, indicating that the early signs of these disasters are already showing themselves, and the ice caps are melting now, rather than some time later, as scientists expected.

Next, you’ll see videos and DVDs named that will show you just how quickly this is happening. I’d strongly recommend you get these now and watch them. It would also help if you encouraged other people to watch them too.