Monday, 29 June 2009

About prophecies and this website

What is a prophecy?

A prophecy is about something that could happen in the future. They are passed to people who are shown things in a number of different ways, to pass on to other people.

What is a prophet?

Prophets are the people who are given the information to give people, and there have been, and there still are, many people who do that. Not all of them are religious. (I’m not religious, but I do believe in God.)

Most pass on warnings, but more rarely, some pass on new rules and laws. These are called “law-giving prophets.” For example, Moses was a major law-giving prophet.

Are the prophecies real?

Yes. They’re revealed in all sorts of places, and they do come true. There are a lot of websites about that.

You’ll see some of the prophecies come true here, and there’s one right here already.

Are the prophecies fixed?

Not all of them. Sometimes they are an advance warning that people need to change their behaviour. For example, I’ve shown here that not all of them are fixed, and you need to act now to help stop the prophecy that the world will become a desolate place because of mankind’s devices, like cars, which are causing the planet to become too hot. This is already starting to cause a lot of life threatening problems that are warned about in prophecies, such as extreme weather conditions, which have a number of knock on effects, including crop failures and famines.

Why are the prophecies so vague?

It’s difficult for people to describe things in the future that they have no knowledge of. For example, a prophecy saying that someone will arrive through the air, perhaps on an aeroplane or helicopter, may say something like “You will see him come upon clouds.” It could mean that their messages will be broadcast over the airwaves. It could mean both.

Sometimes prophecies are riddles, often based upon word plays. There’s a lot of that in the Bible. For example, Jesus repeatedly said “for those with ears to hear” and he also said “For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light and made plain to all. So be sure you pay attention to what you hear;” Luke 8:17 & 18

Moses said that how to interpret signs like that is something that anyone can do, describing it as words that are in your mouth, and showing that the clues are hidden in words. (Deuteronomy 30:11-14)

This is explained here.

Headline thoughts in prophecies

Some of the prophecies are headlines that would be seen around the world. For example, there is a Mayan prophecy that men would begin to have babies, and this headline went out around the world recently. Because it was only a headline, and the people back then would not have understood, that prophecy did not contain the details that showed that a woman had had a sex change to become a man, but had kept her womb so that she could have babies.

Believe it or not, things can be looked up in a code embedded in the original Bible (the first five books called the Torah) and often when things happen, it’s the words and spellings used in headlines about them that match what’s in that code. (There will be a separate post about that later, but you can read about it here.)

As you can see, it’s often the headline thoughts that are in the prophecies.

Are you a prophet?

Prophets do different kinds of things. For example, some of the major prophets are “law giving” and pass on new commands.

More commonly – and it’s very common – prophets give people advanced warning about things. I have been doing this since around Easter 2007 and what I’ve been told has repeatedly been correct.

The first warning that I had was the single word Tsunami in my head, and one happened in a region of the world where there were two people that I know.

I’ve forewarned of other things as well, including Russia’s recent action in a neighbouring area, and of dangers in or to the hotel industry. When a large hotel was bombed, I said that there was more danger to come to do with hotels, and I had a series of signs that matched the Mombai (Bombay) hotel massacres that happened shortly after that.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have a time or place and I am hoping to improve on the information that I get. I pass my information to part of the UK’s Emergency Planning network, and I have shown the people I pass it to, how I receive some of my information so that they can do it too.

(I’ve also been told other things that I had no conscious knowledge of, which were checked and found to be correct. Those have been released a little in different places, and they’ll be written up coherently and placed here.)

About this website

There are lots of websites about how prophecies are coming true, inevitably with people’s own interpretations. This website is mainly about what has yet to happen, because some prophecies aren’t fixed and we can avoid some life threatening problems.