Sunday, 18 January 2009

Ways of seeing future events - Scrying

Scrying is a word that basically means ways of seeing. In recent times, religious people have tended to describe things like this as the work of the devil, forgetting that the Bible is riddled with it, and from God fearing people.

The Prophet Joseph was able to scry by interpreting the dreams of the Pharaoh. This allowed them to spend years of good harvest preparing for the years of famine that followed. At Genesis 44:15, he very clearly told his brothers that he was capable of divining. Divining is pretty much another word for scrying, as there are different ways of doing it.

This blog will show you some of the many ways that people receive their information. Some of these are ways that you will easily be able to perceive yourself, so that you can do it for yourself. At least three ways of scrying that will be new to most people will be revealed here. It's also worth remembering that some things were openly said in very plain language and it's just a case of putting the pieces together.

As you'll see in previous posts, one of the best ways of forecasting events is to apply some common sense, and some very basic cause and effect.

All of the prophets were able to perceive things in the future, albeit in different ways. Sometimes they were just plain told things. These days, it's acceptable to talk to God, which we usually call praying, but if someone is not part of an established religion, it's not acceptable for them to say that God talks to them.

If someone outside a religion says this, it's immediately branded madness or evil. If someone inside a religion says it, people outside the religion tend to take it as a load of rubbish. Yet people have clearly said they were told things which turned out to be correct. My point here is that the prophets were, and still are, mediums and we should not start a witch hunt if someone is capable of warning others of things. (Please remember that prophecies are not all warnings.)

In some parts of the world, people are still being persecuted, tortured and burned alive for their ability to perceive things that others can't, and this is totally unacceptable. Looking at it rationally, behaviour like this is far more eligible for the descriptions "madness" and "evil". Those with religious beliefs who are behaving this way should remember that God said don't kill.

A quick note to Moslems
Those of the Moslem faith believe that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the last prophet, although they believe that Jesus will come back and explain. Please remember that there are different kinds of prophets. Law giving prophets, and others who tell people to listen to those prophets, some of which are able to interpret prophecies and forecast events. It's important to make a distinction between types of prophets. It doesn't make them law givers, like the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and this information does not conflict with the beliefs of the Moslem faith.