Saturday, 27 June 2009

Prophecies about destruction through global warming 2

Please read Part 1

Having established here that prophecies are warnings and aren’t necessarily fixed, the videos/DVDs recommended below will show you that the prophecy that the Earth will become a desolate place are already starting to happen at an alarming rate and that you need to act now. This isn’t a hoax. You’ll see footage of the effects for yourself.

The videos/DVDs are:

The Corporation
An Inconvenient Truth
The Eleventh Hour

1st recommended video/DVD: The Corporation

To really understand what’s making this happen, you need to see some things about the large businesses that are causing it. The first recommended video/DVD that shows you that, is quite long at 144 minutes, and you can avoid it and go straight to the second video if you’re really stuck for time.

But to understand the problem of companies using their might to get what they want, do damage to the only environment you’ve got in the process - and how you can easily stop it - you’ll need to understand what drives them. Amazingly, it’s a legal structure that obliges them to behave that way. So if you’ve got the time, please do watch this film. It’s superb.

If you’re interested in including this film, this gives you some idea, and it’s hair raising stuff. The documentary looks at the attitude and behaviour of corporations, which started out in America and now span the world.

It explains that the 14th Amendment was to give black people the same rights as any other, and although 600,000 individuals were killed in a war to get those rights for people, they’re mainly used by corporations to claim that their activities shouldn’t be hindered by laws, going on to show you how they now behave.

American corporations are designed, by law, to make as much money as possible for their shareholders. As the documentary puts it:

“They are required, by law, to place the financial interests of their owners above competing interests. In fact, the corporation is legally bound to put its bottom line ahead of everything else. Even the public good."

Because corporations argued for the same rights as people, The Corporation documentary asks: What kind of person is a corporation? It checks their behaviour against the personality traits of a psychopath, and guess what? …

It shows you that, because they must maximise profits for their shareholders, they externalise many costs and problems to other people who have no interests in the corporation, who didn’t agree to what’s happening to them, and who often suffer greatly. Some have even been hung for opposing the activities of corporations, and quite recently.

As you’re shown some of the behaviour of some very well known corporations, you’ll understand exactly why someone once observed that a corporation has no soul to save and no body to incarcerate. It shows Multinational Monitor’s top 100 criminal companies, and they’re literally criminal, because they ended up in court.

This is quite a long documentary, so if you watch it, I’d suggest you use the pause button and take at least one break. You may want a pen and paper to take some notes. To make that easier for you, the types of psychopathic behaviour listed and shown are:

Callous unconcern for the feelings of others
Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships
Reckless disregard for the safety of others
Deceitfulness, repeated lying and conning of others for profit
Incapacity to experience guilt
Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviour

The websites given at the end for further information about what you can do are all listed at with others too.

You can buy the film here. If you do, please try and get your family and/or friends to watch it with you, along with the other films, and encourage them to get their own copies.

(Rated PG for Parental Guidance. Description: General viewing but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children. Contains [some] images of real violence and death [dead bodies].)

2nd recommended video/DVD: An Inconvenient Truth

During the first recommended video/DVD, which you could skip if you’re really pushed for time, it’s said that we’re storing up and leaving serious problems for our great, great grandchildren, but this film actually shows you things going alarmingly wrong now.

In a shorter and more entertaining film, Al Gore shows you that the extreme weather conditions have already started, and also shows you the projected global warming that’s already causing this on a graph that suddenly goes vertically upwards.

To be clear, it shows you that these things have already started, are already a reality and that they’ll go badly wrong in most of our lifetimes if you don’t act now. You’re shown images of high ranking people trying to ignore the problem and pretend it’s not happening at all.

If you’re watching it on DVD, you particularly want to see the sudden projected leap in warming and the dire effects that it has, such has hurricanes, heat waves and crop failures etc.

This film ends with what you can do about it, and how to go about it easily.

(Rated E: Exempt from classification. Approx running time: 93 minutes.)

3rd recommended video/DVD: The Eleventh Hour

Produced and narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, it’s called The Eleventh hour because there’s hardly any time left to act. This film provides more information, and a lot of observations and summaries from people well qualified to give them.

You can watch the film on demand, or buy it here and here.

There’s one thing that these films have missed

When you are talking to business people and Governments, talk money! It’s the main thing they listen to.

If the hugely rich and influential people who own billions of dollars worth of land, property and business infrastructure want to keep what they own from being taken straight off them suddenly and soon by high winds and flooding, they need to lobby the Governments of the world to make urgent changes, and begin right now.

They also need to realise that extreme weather conditions would ruin the financial system of the world, causing people to have no jobs, and that with no money flowing, their assets would be worth very little anyway.

They need to lobby Governments to bring about urgent changes, stopping things from getting out of control, and to bring their armed forces manpower and engineering skills back to their own soil to prepare things like sea defences, (which in the UK, are wholly inadequate and in urgent need of strengthening.)

If they don’t, they’ll simply loose their land to high winds and high seas - and the infrastructure they need to carry on in business.

If things aren’t stopped, it won’t even be possible to get the oil out of the ground and transport it.

However, for your own sake, you need to make some changes to the way you live your life, refuse to buy or use the more harmful products and services, and you need to do it urgently. If you don’t, things will suddenly become so difficult that you will not be able to enjoy those things, or even a normal life.

For example, even at a very mild level, if you like using spray on products because they’re convenient to you, you might want to change and leave the Ozone layer where it is. Or we’ll all be horribly inconvenienced. Pure logic.

It’s already starting to go badly wrong, so please see these films now and take action yourself now. Otherwise the avoidable prophecies at Micah 7:13 and Matthew 24:21 - 22 will come true, and during most of our lifetimes.

“And the land shall be made desolate, because of the inhabitants thereof, and for the fruit of their devices.” Micah 7:13

“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: ” Matthew 24:21-22

Prophecies about destruction through global warming 3