Following on from the last posts about common sense, some knowledge, and now following patterns, we can look at some patterns that may tell us events in the near future. All of these look at human behavioural patterns, rather than natural events, which we've just looked at.
Will America go into Mexico?
The U.S. has said that Mexico is helping terrorists, and it tends to follow a pattern of saying this and then going into the countries it's said that about.
America's accused Mexican soldiers of shooting at U.S. soldiers near the border. This follows a classic pattern. False flag incidents are when one group makes it look like another group is being aggressive towards it in a staged incident, giving a reason to take over that area. If you type "false flag incidents" into a search on YouTube, you'll find video documentaries in which the U.S. admits to having done this more than once. America has a pattern of saying this about other countries and then going into them.
Apparently there is oil near the Mexican border, and we all know that the U.S. has a pattern of going into countries to secure its own oil supplies.
Put these things side by side and we can easily see that the U.S. will almost certainly go into Mexico. We're just looking at known patterns in human behaviour here.
The interesting things about this are whether the new American President, who got something over 70% of the Mexican vote in the U.S., would allow such a thing to happen, and whether he would actually be allowed to stop it. Which brings us to something else.
Will there be an attempt upon the life of the new American President?
Obviously some people in America have got some serious issues with having a black president, and the U.S. Constitution allows them to be armed. Some of them are very well armed indeed. It appears that there was already a plan to carry out an assassination that was stopped by people of this kind. Clearly, there's a pattern of behaviour emerging.
It's also suggested in some books, that all but the assassinated American Presidents were related in a blood line to the House of David. (This is a Christian thing, not a Jewish one.) If the new president is not of that blood line, there's a possibility, following that pattern, that he may be assassinated for that reason.
Add to that, that those with other beliefs will wish to assassinate him just because he's the American President.
Clearly some people will want to kill him.
It's clear that the security driver of a U.S. president who was assassinated, slowed down so that the shots could be fired, instead of keeping up a good driving speed to stop the possibility. The Security Driver was actually trained to drive fairly fast, and the pattern of his behaviour reveals that he deliberately slowed down to allow shots. This shows that American Presidents have as much to fear from their own people as outside forces.
Knowing that the U.S. Security Forces have allowed an assassination to happen in the past, there's a fairly clear picture emerging, if we just look at the patterns. Following these, if he won't allow Mexico to be invaded, safeguarding America's interest in securing oil supplies, his own people will most likely allow him to be assassinated.
Those have to do with patterns of behaviour in the American administration. Let's follow a different kind of pattern.
Will groups deliberately try to spread plagues?
The Sun newspaper in the U.K. is carrying a front page article today claiming that Al Qaida groups have caught the plague. There are plagues in the prophecies. These groups tend to believe that they should enact the prophecies. We can safely say that some of them will try to deliberately spread the plague in other parts of the world.
You could say that I am looking at probabilities, and that would be a fair thing to say. But look again and you'll see I'm actually following known patterns in the behaviour of certain groups, and that I am asking you to mix in some common sense with prophecies. In other words, look at things sensibly.
Most of my information is encrypted in different ways, which I will show you hear, but I also add some basic common sense.