Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Major water poisoning

There are prophecies about something called Wormwood and water poisoning.

For example:

Revelation 8:11 (KJV) And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became Wormwood and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

Jeremiah 23:15 (KJV) Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts concerning the prophets; Behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink the water of gall: for from the prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness, gone forth into the land.

These prophecies began to come true some time ago and we can see it continuing in Japan, where the tap water has been contaminated because of problems with nuclear power stations following an earthquake and tsunami.

Chernobyl is a place made famous because of contamination after another nuclear power station there went wrong. Chernobyl means Wormwood. Therefore these references are about contamination caused by nuclear fuels.

We should remember that Prophecies are not fixed and that we are given free will in this test of our behaviour before being allowed into Heaven. (Jonah warned a city that it faced serious problems if it didn’t change it’s ways, and when it did, the problems were removed. So no human being should try to make anything happen.)

God doesn’t need the help of a mere human being in this. Where countries have interfered with the laws of nature, it only takes an earthquake to release the results, as we have just seen in Japan.

Sensibly, those who are saying that we should be relying on renewable sources of energy and that we should not be relying on nuclear energy, are correct. Sensibly, religious organisations will join the calls to stop the use of Nuclear Fuels, and this means that large sections of society and their voting power can be mobilised, across the world.

Now for a solution. Water.

Water reservoirs and lakes in sunny areas can be used to reflect more light into solar panels. The mottled surface of the water can act as a good reflector and is already used by some gardeners to reflect more light onto trees that need it. By positioning the solar panels so that they face the areas where the sun is at it’s lowest as it rises and falls, with an expanse of water in between, more light can be reflected off the surface of the water and gathered into the same solar panels.

If the solar panels are floated on rafts upon the water, more of them can be positioned without using land, either for the panels or for man made reflectors. (Waterproof solar panels already exist for use upon boats.)

Even better still, it may be possible to arrange things so that the rafts turn and are always angled towards the sun, and so that they receive more light for two reasons. As they would be floating, the mechanism for turning them could be simple.

In this way, water reservoirs can be turned into energy hot spots too, using existing, natural resources, without the need to use large areas of land and without the need to build large, expensive reflectors. It may also be possible to use the same technique at sea in areas where there is a lot of direct sunlight. (There are already plans to try this technique on a small scale near water in Peru.)

There are other incentives too, and some of them will be very persuasive to Governments and wealthy people.

Global warming interferes with weather systems (ironically causing some areas that are not used to cold temperatures to experience colder air conditions) and high winds create high seas. This means that rising sea levels are only part of the problem. High winds can come up far more quickly than the rising of the sea levels, cannot be predicted with enoiugh time for changes and already cause flooding sometimes.

As two thirds of the world’s population live upon low laying land, near coastal areas and sea ports, flooding of the areas where a great many people live and work is inevitable if the human race is to continue as it is.

Included in these areas are cities containing major financial districts, and economists will tell you that if one major financial district went down, it would most likely take the world economy with it.

In addition, the land and business infrastructure in these cities is worth billions. As natural disasters are often classified as an act of God and are not eligible for insurance payouts, the wealthiest people and organisations stand to loose their markets and their assets if they allow things to continue as they are. What is more, it could be very sudden, so that they need to act urgently if they wish to try and stop it.

There is a saying. Money talks. It is said because when money is mentioned, people listen. So Governments and the wealthy people, who so often influence them, will want to take action about the environmental changes taking place if these points are properly presented to them. They don’t want to loose their money, and they don’t want to loose the status that comes with it.

Anyone can write a letter to their local, regional or national newspaper for publication and you are invited to make these last points in your area, where Governments and wealthy people can see them.

Finally, two pieces of personal advice for believers. Those who don’t believe are welcome to ignore them.

Firstly, a prophet left a pieces of Emergency Planning advice that local authorities would give you before and after a certain problem. That you have should have what you need and make sure that relevant things are working properly. That things can go wrong very quickly, and you should not go back into the building, even for your coat. The Police would say the same thing if buildings had been badly damaged by an earthquake, because aftershocks could bring them down suddenly and without warning.

Mark 13:15-16 (KJV) And let him that is on the housetop not go down into the house, neither enter therein, to take any thing out of his house: 16: And let him that is in the field not turn back again for to take up his garment.

A prophet said that something was said once, but he heard it twice. It is relevant because this is how another prophet said that everything would be revealed. If you pay attention to how you hear. Another went on to say that the meaning of what you did will be revealed.

Psalms 62:11-12 (KJV) God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God. 12: Also unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy: for thou renderest to every man according to his work.

Luke 8:17-18 (KJV) For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. 18: Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have.

Surah 31:14-15 … In the End the return Of you all is to Me, And I will tell you The truth and meaning Of all that ye did. (Translation: Meaning of the Qur’an by Abdullah Yusuf ‘Ali.)

The name of the area hit by a quake and tsunami in Japan was “Sendai.” This also says “Send I,” “Send die,” and “Send aye.” Sizewell is the name of a nuclear power station in the UK. It also says “size swell,” “sighs swell” and “size well.”

You are therefore advised to size up the old and existing wells in your local area and any area that you know that you might move to if there is a serious problem that forces you to leave.

Old drinking water fountains, and water troughs that were used in times past to water farmed animals, may well have wells below them. The water in these wells may have been filtered naturally by the soil around them, but it is very important that any emergency toilet facilities and detergents are not allowed to contaminate the ground for a considerable distance around them, or they will be spoiled. You should also know that water infected with rat urine is very dangerous, especially on broken skin or if eyes are rubbed with infected hands.

Of course, you should follow the standard Emergency Planning advice and have bottled water stored in your house, work place and/or garden shed. (Use the bottles you got first and then replace them, so that the first things to go off are the first to be used. The same applies to stored tins of food, which are also recommended by Emergency Planners. Having a back up can opener is sensible, because they tend to stop working.)

If you are in the UK, you can write to your representatives about the use of nuclear power via the website www.writetothem.com